Oh my! Three posts in one day! I'm going to jamb the blogosphere.
Right now, I'm sitting in a room that's torn up. I've removed all the things on the walls, and taken everything out of the bookcase, and moved said bookcase (found 50 cents too), and now it's down to moving the computer desk away from the wall.
I'm really debating just un-hooking the computer for a lil bit and re-enacting a scene from Fried Green Tomatoes on the desk. TO WANDA!!!! 'Course, then I don't have a clue what we'd put the computer on....but I seriously hate this desk.
Okay, okay...why is the "family room all torn up? Because after 10 months of having the stuff, I'm finally doing the Venitian plaster on the walls! I've got 2/3rds of it done, and I can't go any further due to the desk being in the way.
Right now it looks like I've let some kindergarteners with mud loose in the room. But I'm told that it will look awesome when totally finished. I'll post pics when I'm done! :)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
To Wanda!
Cleaned by Just Me at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: home improvement, painting
In which I spend 15 minutes on the toilet
No, not like that. Waiting for someone to bring me toilet paper. Oh but it's not as easy as that.
M.M. was using the giant bundle of T.P. as a seat. Shorty went to get it for me, and he proceeded to knock her down (spilling her popcorn-I don't know why she was holding it and getting me t.p. The fight that follows is nothing short of ear-splitting and was probably heard three roads over.
Topping their screaming, I can be heard from upstairs, saying I just need a little, please!
It seriously took 15 minutes to get some toilet paper.
Moral of the day...Check before you go........
Cleaned by Just Me at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Does Hannah Montana wear fast shoes?
Wow, actually two consecutive posts!
Well, this is due to the fact that my sitter has the flu...so she cannot babysit and I cannot goto work. Loads of time on my hands, and lots more time spent with my brood to make funny posts. Also more time to clean and make up blog posts while doing so...
Monster Monkey said just a few moments ago. "Mama, when I was just a kid (holds up 4 fingers), I wasn't so fast." I agree and chuckle; when he was just a kid was only about a month ago. A month must feel like almost an eternity to a five year old.
And he is fast. If he gets more than a 3-second head-start on me I can't catch him. Whichs reminds me of our little outing last Sunday to the dreaded Shoe Store. This special store is famous for it's supposedly low prices, and there's probably one of these great places right in your neighborhood! They are everywhere.
We went, me and all four urchins...who were actually looking more like the angels I keep telling them they've tied up in the basement and replaced with themselves-more like demon-spawn. Unlike anything I could have dreamed I'd give birth to....
Um...where was I? Oh, shoe store! So we went, and we looked, and we tried on. I went looking solely (haha) for dress shoes for the girls, since wearing pretty church dresses and snow boots is just blah. Yeah, Mama, Hannah Montana wouldn't wear snow boots with this dress, I mean come on. We did find nice dress shoes for the girls, and although I told him NO even before we left the truck, M.M. found shoes.
Now, he doesn't pick out shoes by what's on them, nor by the price (yikes), but by how fast they are. He tried out a pair with Power Rangers on them...said they were super fast (and yes he RAN around the store wearing them). I vetoed the Power Rangers right off the bat. I told him to look again. He found Croc knock-offs. They weren't fast at all, and the right one flew off while running and almost hit the store lady in the rear....who then adimently asked me if I needed any assistance in finding what I wanted. I politely told her No, we are just trying out shoes. M.M. tried out some more shoes with the help of Bone Head, while the girls and I finished up finding dress shoes. THREE pairs for Princess Pout and one for Shorty. I then paid all attention to MM and his shoe quest.
I located a pair of fast-looking shoes that were sporting the "sale" sign (Only $12.99), and asked that he try them out. He didn't like them at first, until I reminded him that he didn't try them out. I told him to run around. He looked like I'd just handed him a $50 in a candy store and zoomed out of the isle. After a couple laps around the store he skidded back into the isle I was waiting in, and said "These are the fasterest shoes I've ever runned in!" SOLD!
Fast forward to yesterday, M.M. is getting ready for a quick trip to the store down the road, and he brings me one of his brand-new shoes. The stupid velcro strip on the top is ripped out of it's stitching! WHAT?!?!?!?!!? He'd tried to pull it tight and it just snapped.
I'm ticked. These shoes are going back today. I don't care if they are the fastest shoes ever made for a size 11 kids. I refuse to pay any ammount of money (okay maybe 25 cents) for shoes that fall apart after 4 days of minimal wear! ARUGH!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Difficult Procedures
Do you know how difficult it can be to do anything in a normal and not totally strange fashion when you cannot fully use the hand that you regularly use?
After my trip to the doctor yesterday, I now have a wrist/hand brace that I must wear. This contraption keeps my wrist from moving. And as I said, this makes it difficult to do many things.
From typing this to dressing. Doing dishes (without getting it wet) and brushing my daughters' hair. Even bathroom procedures leave me a little perplexed, sitting on the "Great white round one", trying to figure out how to accomplish things left-handed.
My rationalism tells me that I will get used to the immobility with time. My other half is screaming at me to just rip the thing off and toss it in a deep, dark hole. And it hasn't even been 24 hours yet.
But does the hand/wrist feel any better with the impediments placed upon it? Um...wrist yes, slightly, hand no. I think it's taking even more effort to move fingers to compensate for the wrist not moving. Time will tell, I suppose. Meanwhile, I just may become ambidextrous by force.
****Warning for future posts****
My favorite time of year is rapidly making it's way here! In most other parts of the country this time of year is called Spring. Here we call it "Break Up"...cause the ice is breaking up. It's when all the lovely Springy things happen and it's when I start getting all mushy and poetic and garden-crazed. So look for (or watch out for) upcoming posts including me waxing poetic about green things and critter babies and updates on what is growing in my guest-room-turned garden starting room.
Blogger wish: Why don't we have underline and strike-out?
Blogger rant: I can't make the labels thing say JUST spring...it's inserting BREAK all on it's own. grrrrr
Cleaned by Just Me at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: break-up, doctor, Spring Break, wrist
Monday, March 17, 2008
Don't forget the coffee in the dryer
Hurray! Spring Break is over! I'll just do a quick happy dance here, feel free to join in.
I did not, nor did Captain, take Spring Break off of work. Captain could not as his boss did, and I did not because, well...because I didn't remember it was Spring Break until the Sunday before....when the kids informed me that they shouldn't have to goto bed at the normal time because they didn't have to goto school the next day. How's that for a run-on sentence? I should fix it....naw....don't think I will.
I'm sitting here, drinking blah regular creamer coffee cause i ran outta the good stuff. It sucks. My jeans are also still half wet. In the seams and waist. I do have time to redry them...I should or I'll freeze...okay they're back in the dryer.
Also ticked this a.m. cause when I pulled one of my fav tops out of the dyer (I forgot to throw clothes in dryer last night), it's missing its zipper! It's one of those cropped (shorter) hoody, mirco fleece things. I like it alot for work. Still looks great under the awful vest I have to wear, and keeps me warm(ish) while at my register right in front of the doors.
It's also St. Paddy's Day. No, I'm not Irish...not even a bit (that I know of), but I love this "holiday" anyways. Not really into the parades or parties or anything like that, but I think that's why I like it. You can celebrate this day without doing much. Or you can go all out. I used to make sure I was wearing green...this year I'm getting pinched cause I'm wearing pink. I once had a pair of really cute Shamrock earrings...they're lost...either grew legs or got lost in a move...or one of my sisters "borrowed" them. I think the latter is the most probable.
Do I think we'll get crazy Irish revelers in the store today? Hmm...50/50 chance. I'll bet we get at least one person that is all decked out for the Greenest day of the year. Probably will be an older lady, buying organic soy milk, bananas (cause how can you not at 75 cents a pound), some various Easter swag and $80 worth of vitamins.
Now I've got totally dry pants, a touch of green (the logo on my eww vest), and still drinking yuck coffee. Yup, it'll be an alright day...I hope!
Cleaned by Just Me at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Labels: clothes, coffee, green, old ladies, Spring Break, St. Patricks Day, work
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Another Sunday and another day that's totally nuts. Although today is starting out a bit better than most. I actually woke up before my alarm clock (which Captain so thoughtfully set for me), and there was already coffee made. The children have been nice to eachother (if a bit loud), and I only had one set-back so far....forgetting to put the clothes in the dryer the night before, I'm now running a few items so that Shorty can have clean pants to wear to church....
I even did my nails! Which is a good thing, NOT Martha-style, cause they were looking ratty. While not salon perfection, at least there's no weird edges anymore (a hazzard of work), and the polish is all there once again.
We need to be out of the house no later than 20 minutes from now. Because I didn't go anywhere yesterday, and did not get gas before actually having to be somewhere...I now have to leave to somewhere early to get gas. And since I'll have all four moochers on-board for the gas trip, I'll have to leave extra early to argue with the kids and get them all back into the truck after I cave and purchase something for them.
We'll be leaving the house (hopefully) at 10:05 to make it to church by 11:00, and it's only about 15 minutes away.
And as my children are at various stages of readiness, I'm here at the computer. Dressed, pressed, ironed and painted...
Princess Pout has yet to brush her hair, although I told her to do so 10 minutes ago and I did see her with brush in hand....Shorty is still waiting on her pants....Monkey is 1/2 dressed-he's cowboyed up today...including bright red long underware-cowboy style like in Lonesome Dove. Bone Head is probably dressed, although I don't know if he actually changed his clothes...I should go check. AH HA! He is dressed, and to the nines! Dress pants, button-down shirt and suit top. Spiffy.
Me, other than spending too much time on my hair and makeup, I'm just wearing jeans and a nice-ish top. I'll probably be working in the nursary today, and refuse to subject my really nice clothes to drool, spit-up and all the other hazzards of playing with and careing for babies.
As for the rest of my day...we'll arrive home from church and stuff our faces, I'll start dinner (potato soup tonight), do some more cleaning and laundry (maybe I'll remember to DRY the clothes) and then it'll be BACK to church for Truth Project and more baby watching for me.
I sorta miss the old days when Sunday was a day of rest....
Cleaned by Just Me at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: church, clothes, day-to-day, kids