Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My strange dog

Jake the Dog....Is about a year and half old. Black lab and Aussie Cattle Dog mix. And he's weird.

Before I came into the room, he was laying in his corner, snoozing. He had his chew-toy between his paws, and looked quite happy and peacefull. Then I walked in. He jumped up and started running around the room. Ran to the door, looked out, ran around the room....etc. So I opened the door. He than ran around the room, searching for something to take outside WITH him.

I stepped on the chew-toy, and he found a pair of kid scissors (hey I was looking for those!) and tried to slip out the door.

Yup, my dog tries to find toys to take outside with him. Which he then throws into the air, catches, runs around with and looses. Oh, and chews into teeny pieces.

He also brings toys IN from the great outdoors. Yesterday he tried to bring in a stick, a rock and something brown and frozen. (ewww)

I'm sure we'll find at least most of his toys outside once the snow melts. At least I hope we do! There's at least 8 toys out there somewhere.

In other news...all four kids are home sick today. High fevers and a couple have reported abnormal freqency of trips to the bathroom. Okay, so this is rather normal....except it's Monkey Man's BIRTHDAY! Poor kid.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday WOW...part 2

I did it! I'm done! Wheeeee!

It wasn't too bad, not even as gross as I thought it would be! No yuckiness to share on this WOW. Sorry...maybe next week's!

As I said...most of the mess was school paperwork. I was diligent and looked at it all as my hand was heading over to the recycle box. No, I don't save all the kids' school work...the house would be filled to the rafters if I did that! prove that I do more than sit & read blogs of people I've never met....


Located the blanket that's supposed to be somewhat covering the really stained couch! Found the floor & couch! Moved the couch forward just a tad to semi-cover the paint splatter on the floor (that happened when the paint fell OFF the yeah)

I also cleaned off the 'chifferobe' (it's a free-standing old type closet), and make it purty! But I'm not sure about it. What say you?

Wednesday Wow

Here's the very first installment of something I made up...called Wednesday Wow! At least I think I made it up! Every Wednesday, I'll undertake a huge mission in my house, and post before/after pictures. Along with and gross/funny moments that happen in the midst of cleaning.

This is a two-part post. Part one being me posting how much I don't wanna...which area I'm going to do and a pic to prove it's gunna be a WOW! Part two will be the story and the amazing after pictures.

And now on to the post...

Ever have one of those days in which you just want to clean, clean, clean? Naw, me either.

I do want my house to be clean, though. Would I be a 'bad mommy' if I kept the children home today to do it all for me (er, I mean help me...)?

Now, today is long day. Which means that Monkey Man stays at Kindergarten all day and rides the bus home (as opposed to every other day, I have to pick him up at 2). Which also means that if I budget my time wisely, I will be able to get a lot of cleaning done, alot of WWW surfing done, and alot of me time done. Maybe even workout some....maybe not.

Okay, okay...I vow to clean at least the Den (aka office, junk room, part-time entry, dog room, disaster) today. Along with the 'normal' chores of the day...being dishes, picking up the bath mess in the bathroom, and general pickup of the living room.

WHY must I vow to clean the Den? Here's why....

The children got home yesterday and their backpacks spewed all this paper-type stuff! Where does it all come from? will also notice table legs, a can of paint (or two) and various other things...I cannot say with certainty that these things were there before yesterday afternoon...

But, MOST of this wasn't here before they got home yesterday!

*notice the empty laundry basket? yea, doesn't get used much*

Yes, I'll post an 'after' picture. Just so I can redeem myself! The paint splatter on the floor will still be there, though.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


'Cause I can...and 'cause I can't think of anything else to write. I'm 'stealing' this list idea from Lemony Sarah, and my Aunt on Facebook...even though she didn't tag me & this isn't going on facebook...

Random Facts about me...

1. When I tell people I grew up in Arizona, they always assume desert. I grew up at about 7500 feet elevation. Yeah, we got snow!

2. When I tell people I live in Alaska, they always ask if it's always dark, or if there really are igloos

3. I remember playing with weeds and sticks more often than toys as a kid.

4. I started kindergarten a few days before my 5th birthday...right after lunch time...without having had lunch

5. There were 4 children in my kindergarten class

6. There were 12 kids in my 6th grade class...the biggest class to date for the school

7. I am a VERY messy painter. Paint all over myself, but never on the floor

8. I was pregnant or breastfeeding for a total of 86 months. That's about 7 years.

9. I used to collect lighthouses, but got bored with it

10. I was the first girl in my family (dad's side) to be born with a dimple on my chin

11. I'd never pulled into or out of a garage until about a month ago

12. I do not like Starbucks coffee! I prefer any of the coffee 'shacks' that can be found on almost every street corner up here. 20-oz, 4-shot White chocolate mocha. Starbucks uses syrup chocolate...yuck!

13. My first car was a 1975 Chevy Nova. I want it back

14. I do not watch or listen to the news.

15. I just took a 30 minute "break" to wash the dishes, cause I was stuck

16. I'd drink rum, vodka, tequila, scotch, burbon...etc. or even beer before wine...

17. I used to clean with a baby boa (yes snake) wrapped around in my hair.

18. I don't really know any of my cousins, or Aunts & Uncles. Have only met them a few times. We lived in Arizona, while they all lived in Michigan or Florida.

19. I love spicey food!

20. I think Dr. Pepper really does taste like pepper

21. I used to hate sleeping with socks on. Now I can't sleep without them on

22. I can only drink distilled water...after the water guy distilled our "GOOD" well water and showed us what is left-over...BLEH!

23. Yes, I recycle the bottles for all the water!

24. I want either a HUGE dog or a teeny-tiny dog...or both

25. I attended a different high school's classes as a visitor while ditching MY classes

Friday, January 30, 2009

It's the thought that counts

I started the day's chores taking pictures. Before and after...messy and ordered...dirty and clean. I got a lot of stuff done in our living room. Which is the large room that holds the living room, dining room and kitchen. And I do mean LOTS! Every surface was decluttered, wiped and beautified. Every piece of purties on surfaces and walls was dusted, shined and leveled (there was quite a lot of pictures that were not straight).

Then, I sat down and looked through all the store fliers and made my plan for grocery shopping today. Which I NEVER do...I usually just goto one store and get what's on my list. I took a picture of all the adds on the table, my list and menu.

Somewhere between helping Bone Head with his English homework and Captain coming home...I lost it all. Lost the reason behind doing what I'd began. Lost the motivation to do a picture post about all that I accomplished in the day. Lost the nerve to post pictures of my really messy house. Lost the idea I had for what to write with those wonderful pictures.

But the most important one....I lost the damn pictures!

Monkey Man "borrowed" my camera. There's a lovely picture of the fish tank (at least I think it's the fish tank), some of the dogs and the ferret. And a really GREAT one of my butt.

But really, my house is really, really clean! least part of it.

You believe me, right?