Friday, June 6, 2008

Ranting...cause I'm ticked and I can.

I need to rant. About work...once again.

I've spoken to the Manager and Assistant Manager several times now about them finding me a new job to do in the store so that I can give my arm a chance to heal. Early this week (I think it was Monday), they said that today was going to be my last day being a cashier, and that I'd do "something" else. They said that they'd tell the person in charge of the cashiers, so that she wouldn't schedule me.

Um...Yeah....I'm scheduled for the coming a cashier. The manager has NO IDEA what I'm going to be doing, but thinks that the assistant manager has something in mind...and can I finish out the next week as cashier? GRRR NO! What part of "I need to stop" dont' you understand?

Okay, since I'm not ticked at my fellow cashiers or the person in charge of us, I'll work the next week...just so that they aren't short. But, if they dont' have something new for me starting the next Monday, I'm quitting on the spot. I already told the cashier's manager to not put me on the next that's covered. We'll see.....right now I feel like they are just leading me on....dicking me around-so to speak.

In other news....ummm.....There is no other news....I don't have any cute stories about what the kids did today....I barely know what they did today. I hate working and not being the central part in their lives. Hell...I don't even know what they had for lunch today. I hate this....