Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yes, another cleaning post!

You know that you really, really need to get some cleaning done when it takes you 5 minutes to locate the broom and dust pan...and you need to call in the search hounds to find the cleaner. It eludes me as to why these items were not in their homes, even though they haven't been used in over a week.

My wonderful Captain will be home from school in just eight days, and I just realized that I haven't gotten anything don that I said I was going to. On that list was...

1. Kill weeds and level out the area for the "secret garden" decking
2. Clean out green house and plant plants
3. Till garden area and plant plants
4. Clean up garage and have a yard sale

On the lit contributing to the fact that I haven't done a single one of these things...

1. Too tired at the end of the day to do much else than make dinner and pass out
2. I don't wanna
3. Overwhelmed by the ammount of yuck and (ew) spiders in the green house
4. RAIN! And yucky weather
5. I don't wanna
6. I searched for the "round-to-it", but it must have run away with my motivation, I'll be calling the dairy to post their pictures on milk cartons as soon as I find some motivation....maybe I can borrow some one else's
7. When I walk into the garage....well it's not a pretty picture at all. Between the cardboard space ship (waycool), MIL's stuff from moving that we haven't gotten around to taking to her house, the gear for Captain's job, and various other things that "belong" in a garage, oh and the garage sale stuff, stuffed into every little hole I could find... UGH...........I DON'T WANNA!

Okay, so it's Saturday, and I'm really supposed to be at WORK (the paying kind) right now, but my sitter is I'm not. Whew! I really didn't want to work today.

I DID find some motivation (prolly stolen, not borrowed), and am cleaning. The house. I must. I do this massive "oh crap" cleaning just about every Saturday. Because I wake up in the morning, look around and wonder what oh...Child Protective Services would think about my house. I worry that they would whisk my children away on the spot when they see the ring in the tub, or the 6 loads of laundry waiting to be either washed, folded or put away.

Okay, house really isn't all that bad. No CPS agent would take kids away because of the state of my house. But that still doesn't mean that I LIKE the state my house gets into after all week of just barely doing anything.

It has just occured to me that a lot of my posts have been about cleaning. Maybe because when I take a break from cleaning I think...hmmm good time to blog and what's on my Maybe because I really know cleaning...I clean alot. Despite the fact that I barely clean during the week.

Maybe because it's a nice, safe topic to write about because I don't feel open enough to talk about things like my underware, bra shopping, details of my past and/or sex life.

Yup, I think that's probably the best reason...err excuse!

Okay I'm off to do another 15 directed by the wonderful FlyLady....her system/method/rules really does long as you do them! Check her out!* She's much funnier than I am.

* There's a LOT on her site! Take it slow and have fun! ;)