Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Cherry Chocolate Wind

I hate starting things out with weather, but the weather is the biggest news right now. It's freezing! The horrible wind is still here, 20-30 mph but today it feels like -11 out there.

I drove the kids to the bus stop. It's only .10 of a mile there, and it's only 5 feet from my door to the car doors. We froze! Warming up now, since I have cuppa java #2 in my hand-er on my desk. But! The weather report says snow...and warming up. Although not less wind. It's so bad, if a gust hits you in the face, it literally takes your breath away. You don't want to get caught in a long gust, it's bad. And bad enough that it's hard to turn away once you do get hit. Oh and you get hit.
Last year for about 2 weeks, the wind was so bad that it pushed my greenhouse off it's foundation. Pulled the nails and screws right out and pushed it about 2 feet. It also tore off the shed doors, and the stable's shed door. I hope that it doesn't get that bad this year!

Another wonderful by-product of this wind and cold. We woke up to several piles of doggie doo-doo in the family room. I thought I was doing Cody, our pound puppy black lab/shar pei mix, a favor when I didn't let him out one last time before going to bed. Turns out I did myself a DISfavor. Oh well...Bone Head cleaned it up for me! Boys are wonderful!

This picture is not great (Captain took it through the window last spring), but it's cute!

We watched episode #2 of Sci Fi channel's mini series Tin Man last night, and I must say that it's getting better. Although poor Zooey really can't act! I don't know if her acting style is what the directors are going for when they cast her, or she's got some connections...but it's almost painfull to see a pretty good movie with other good actors and then there's her. But, dispite the actors, we will be tuning in again tonight to see more.

Monster Monkey is on another dress-up phase, this time it's "Army Guy". Last one was Superman and before that was a ninja. So now he's dressed daily in mis-matched cammo, and his spiderman snowboots.
He carries his backpack loaded with all the things a 4 year old commando might need (even a much-smooshed PB&J), and carries his Avatar glider stick thingy as his gun.
It's too cute to say, so here's a picture of him...before he found cammo pants too!
He says he wants to join the Army when he's big. I say wow that's great. I know that in a day, week, month or year he'll change his mind and want to be something else.
Come Spring, I'm guessing he'll be Mr. Dare devil again.
One addition I wanted to make to I am...I am not. I am not a decorator, but I love to paint and remodel. We just finished (by we I mean Captain helped for about an hour and then I finished) painting our main bathroom. It's toothpaste blue-I mean SKY blue. Captain is now sketching out what he plans to paint on the walls. Pretty much Arizona. We both grew up there, and we love the colors. It will be a mostly desert scene. He's a wonderful artist (something else I wish I was), and I know it'll be great once he gets TO IT. But for now, I smell toothpaste everytime I walk into the room. Everyone thinks I'm nuts, but my brain sees it and I smell it. Same thing happened when I painted the guest room a wonderful chocolate brown. I smelled chocolate!
Who knows what I'll smell when I plaster the walls in the family room. It's sorta an orange, so maybe pumpkin pie? I'll be sure to report!
Going out to brave the wind now. I must feed the horses, and I really want to do a quick run around the house to make sure there's nothing damaged and nothing else that I missed in my winter prep. I do know there's a wind chime I missed, I hear it...but I'm not sure where it is. At least I'll be able to follow the sound!
If no post later today or tomorrow, I've surely turned into a ME ice-cube. Hopefully a gallon of coffee can thaw me out!
Sorry once again to the neighbors. I think today I'll get totally dressed before I head out.