Tuesday, February 3, 2009


'Cause I can...and 'cause I can't think of anything else to write. I'm 'stealing' this list idea from Lemony Sarah, and my Aunt on Facebook...even though she didn't tag me & this isn't going on facebook...

Random Facts about me...

1. When I tell people I grew up in Arizona, they always assume desert. I grew up at about 7500 feet elevation. Yeah, we got snow!

2. When I tell people I live in Alaska, they always ask if it's always dark, or if there really are igloos

3. I remember playing with weeds and sticks more often than toys as a kid.

4. I started kindergarten a few days before my 5th birthday...right after lunch time...without having had lunch

5. There were 4 children in my kindergarten class

6. There were 12 kids in my 6th grade class...the biggest class to date for the school

7. I am a VERY messy painter. Paint all over myself, but never on the floor

8. I was pregnant or breastfeeding for a total of 86 months. That's about 7 years.

9. I used to collect lighthouses, but got bored with it

10. I was the first girl in my family (dad's side) to be born with a dimple on my chin

11. I'd never pulled into or out of a garage until about a month ago

12. I do not like Starbucks coffee! I prefer any of the coffee 'shacks' that can be found on almost every street corner up here. 20-oz, 4-shot White chocolate mocha. Starbucks uses syrup chocolate...yuck!

13. My first car was a 1975 Chevy Nova. I want it back

14. I do not watch or listen to the news.

15. I just took a 30 minute "break" to wash the dishes, cause I was stuck

16. I'd drink rum, vodka, tequila, scotch, burbon...etc. or even beer before wine...

17. I used to clean with a baby boa (yes snake) wrapped around in my hair.

18. I don't really know any of my cousins, or Aunts & Uncles. Have only met them a few times. We lived in Arizona, while they all lived in Michigan or Florida.

19. I love spicey food!

20. I think Dr. Pepper really does taste like pepper

21. I used to hate sleeping with socks on. Now I can't sleep without them on

22. I can only drink distilled water...after the water guy distilled our "GOOD" well water and showed us what is left-over...BLEH!

23. Yes, I recycle the bottles for all the water!

24. I want either a HUGE dog or a teeny-tiny dog...or both

25. I attended a different high school's classes as a visitor while ditching MY classes